Central Applications Office (CAO) Project
The Central Applications Office (CAO) was created in order to simplify applications for tertiary study places within KwaZulu Natal (KZN) South Africa. The organisation is responsible for overseeing undergraduate applications to colleges and universities within KZN. The primary mission of the Central Applications Office is to centrally process applications in a fair and efficient manner. The application process includes choice of institution and course as well as identifying any requirement for financial aid. Applicants are offered places according to the merit of their applications and marks. If a request for Financial Aid has been included in the application the relevant financial aid forms are sent to that applicant and all completed. For Financial Aid applicant, when the final Matric marks have been awarded the applicant is automatically able to take up their offered place without need for prohibitive deposits or registration fees. These fees have previously been an insurmountable hurdle to bright but impoverished applicants.
The project works with selected Quintile 1,2 and 3 schools in Embo, KwaNyuswa and KwaNcgolosi to assist learners in setting themselves up for success by selecting appropriate subjects and making applications which have a good chance of success. Quintile 1, 2 and 3 schools are schools which were designated for 'Black' and 'Coloureds' under the previous apartheid system. They are located in areas of high deprivation and children attending these schools all receive free school meals. Quintile 1 schools are the most impoverished.
We also work with iKhethelo Children's Village, providing career advice to the orphans housed there. https://ikhethelo.org

The process begins in Grade 9, where we advise learners on how their subject choices for Grade 10 can either open or close doors, and the importance of relating them to thier long-term dream.

Workshops with Grade 12 learners in the first and second terms focus on the importance of considering your personaliity, interests and aptitudes when choosing a career, and how to carry out reality checks when making those all-important university applications.

Each school identifies its Top 10 learners in Grade 12, and we sponsor their CAO application fees. We keep in touch with them as they complete their exams and get their results, and are there to assist with any hurdles that may impact the transition to post-school study.
We keep in touch with those who are studying and invite them to visit us during the vacations. That way we are able to assist if they encounter problems. Those who demonstrate real potential and have ongoing needs are taken on by the Tertiary Fund
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